Monday, May 13, 2013

Look, Mom! No Cavities!

Well, I went in for my 6 month dental checkup and... No Cavities! I know this isn't much of an update, but there seems to be some concern about Invisalign causing cavities. I have had Invisalign for 11 months, this is my second 6 month check up in that time, and no sign of anything.

Not that I'm recommending this as all, but I don't really brush and floss like I'm supposed to according to Invisalign. I generally eat, then chew some gum for a few minutes, then put my aligners back in. When I get a few minutes, I will brush and floss like I'm supposed to and make sure my aligners are clean again. 

My point is, you must have to have some REALLY bad hygiene with Invisalign if that's what's causing your cavities, in my opinion...

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  1. Thanks for the information about your experiences about Invisalign or braces and it's so great. Keep up the posts. Love the site !!

  2. Yes, I have been reading some bad reviews about Invisalign saying that it's tedious to maintain and that it causes cavities to habitate the teeth. I'm glad I did my own research and found out that most of them are bluffs or that their provider didn't do a good job. I'm down to my 5th week after my Invisalign provider in Chandler started with the session. So far I love wearing them and I don't really find it a hassle at all.

  3. Brushing and flossing both are necessary process to keep mouth clean and hygienic. Improper alignment of teeth is an issue that concerns a lot of people and their families. Invisalign Invisible braces are very convenient as well as hygienic to use. They are created after taking impression of your teeth and hence provide a perfect fit. It take less time than the traditional braces to align.

  4. If the thought of wearing ugly metal aligners is what is preventing you from aligning your teeth, the best dentists in hamilton provides Invisalign invisible braces to straighten your teeth
