Thursday, August 30, 2012

Updated Progress Pictures

Late in Tray 5
It's been a few trays since I have added any pictures, so here is an update... FYI, the trays are in my mouth in all of the pictures except the one below on the left, as noted. I would say they are pretty undetectable - they make my teeth look shinier and I think they make the gap look smaller. What do you think?

Tray 6 Day 1, Without Trays In
Tray 6 Day 1, With Trays In

 The above 3 pictures were right after putting tray 6 in for the first time. Late night and bad allergies make for very horrible pictures, but you get the idea.

And as a reminder.... here is where I started June 21st, just over two months ago. There are still plenty of improvements to be made, but I can definitely see some changes starting. :)

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  1. Hi Christina. The gap is definitely closing. Your bottom teeth look straighter too.

    1. Thank you. It's nice to know it isn't all in my head :)and yes, my bottom teeth are straightening up as well, and I will definitely appreciate later, but right now my main focus is the gap. It's a good reminder that I am actually making more progress than I think I am though, thank you!

  2. wow there is definitely a huge difference! I cant believe you're a quarter done! I think the time goes by slower in the beginning because it's such an adjustment but now that we're used to it, I dont even notice it. In fact i forgot to change my trays last wednesday lmao! I changed to tray 5 a day late. Your pictures look great and your smile is looking even better! :)

    1. Thank you! :) I never forget it's time to change. I know it's every other Thursday, so I just have to figure out on Thursday if it's the RIGHT Thursday! :)
