Friday, July 27, 2012

Why It's Good to be a Girl

Why is it great to be a woman??? Because we carry purses. That's it.

This may not be seen as quite an advantage on a normal day, but I have been thinking about how this pertains to Invisalign. Having to carry your case, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss... seems a whole lot easier when you're carrying a purse! No wonder I've seen so many guys talking about losing theirs or accidentally throwing them away when they're out to eat. I feel like I have a MUCH better chance of this not happening, because I am a woman.

See...??? Being a woman is amazing! Have a great day! :)

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  1. You make a great point. I am still carrying my bag from the orthodontist because I haven't decided what to keep on me vs. at home vs. at work...

    1. I have made a kit for each of my work and my purse that has a toothbrush, toothpaste, and flossers. I also carry my case in my purse so I always have it with me. When I'm at home and need to take my aligners out I put them in a mug.of warm water. They seem to be a little easier to clean that way, plus I don't risk leaving my case at home that way! :)
      Oh! And I started with travel size toothpaste at work but quickly realized a full size tube was needed. Travel size in my purse though.

    2. You're so right. That purse comes in handy when you have inivisalign. I purchased a small travel bag from the dollar store. In it I keep my floss, toothbrush (travel size), and toothpaste. At my desk at work I keep the same its' but the toothpast is regular size.
